Sunday, April 17, 2011

Big Bend park to Del Rio a few other places and then Kersville.

They have high speed limits in Texas but don't like you going over by even a few mph, no I didn't get a ticket but he turned on his light coming form the other direction to let me know he wasn't happy, was only 3 mph over. Asked somebody about it and they confirmed, don't go over. Typical desert mostly flat and dry until I got out of Kersville and started going north, they call it the hill country in Texas and it is much nicer. trees and rolling hills but still very dry and lots of prickly pear cactus still. Kersville was actually a 100 miles further than wanted to go but there was a church there and what was supposed to be a state park but wasn't any longer, but I could still camp there.

I didn't want to move camp today but the campsite was not very good and I didn't get much sleep so I packed up this morning before church. Church was really good and the people were super friendly as has been the case since I entered Texas. Lots of enthusiasm at church and they sang really well and loud, so that was nice to see. One of the BMW rallies that I didn't make it too was in a town 65m. away so I thought I would go there, well don't know where they camped cause I can't find anything. So on I go, the heat seems to be really bothering me today for some reason. My map doesn't say if State parks have campsites but I took a gamble and tried Inks lake State park, Yay they have camping and it is right on a lake with lots of trees, in fact my spot is right on the water, quite nice and lots of trees.

A super nice lady at the booth pulled out the a Texas map and spent at least half hour highlighting all the nice places to see. She said she had a road king but I didn't clue in until she said Harley. So here I am trying to catch up, guess I should go get the camera and ad a few pictures. My web browser works fine here but my mail doesn't seems to.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go; your adventure sounds fun. Glad you didn't end up with a ticket; that's awful picky if you ask me, just 3 miles over. Anyone could accidentally go over by a little bit. Good you found a fun road to go on.

    Back here we had more snow. Didn't anyone order spring-like weather? I'm sure we did... It was -4 where I was, and 3" deep on the car. Again. Well actually before it was more like 6" and 'only' 3 this time.

    Enjoy the warmth! Take care.
