Saturday, June 13, 2015

Off to the big city.

I don't seem to be very good at proof reading so hopefully you don't mind all the mistakes.

I left Sechelt and headed to Langley to spend a few days visiting as well as having a place to stay so I could go to the get together with old friends in North Van. June 6th.

So it's June 6th now and I am heading to North Van to reunite with some Old friends from high school and early 20's time in my life. I was a little late as I stopped by the Costco to get my hearing aids tuned up so I could actually here what my friends had to say. Arriving a bit late I was a little overwhelmed trying to scan everyone at once and figure out who was who. So some guy come up to me to shake my hand and I have absolutely no idea who it was, trying to figure out why he was there as he surely couldn't be one of the old gang. Well after quite sometime and when I had time to just sit and look and listen I finally figure out that it was Rod. Later communication via email confirmed that he knew I had no idea who he was and had a good laugh about it. Every time I think about it now or look at the photos of us I can't stop laughing and I'm sure Rod does the same.  (The good thing Rod is, that your looking good in your old age.) So those that were there are - Rod, Doug, Ray, Norm, Wayne, Mike, Barry, and myself. I had some trouble figuring out Norm, Doug would have been a hard one except I had seen him on Face Book, the rest I could figure out. I certainly had a good time as I am sure everyone did. I'm so glad I returned early from my trip down south to attend the gathering of the old gang. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that has a somewhat fading memory. Lots of great stories shared some accurate some maybe not so much but all fun and interesting for sure. Hopefully we will be able to get together again in the not to distant future. I think I won the beat hair contest again, as I quite often did in my younger years, Although being the only one riding a bike did put my hair at a disadvantage due to helmet hair.

I stayed another day with my sister and then headed to the Island to visit my youngest, Steven and his wife and 2 children.

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