Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Journey to Paradise.

A sign posted at the first rest stop a came to in Florida.

I just assumed that there would be lots of beach campsites along the west side of Florida, apparently not. After a few campsites not being open or where they were supposed to be I found one just before dark at a State Park inland. It turned out good as I was camped right beside a couple and there two little girls who were visiting from Switzerland. I had a nice visit with them and even got fed breakfast. I love meeting people from other countries.

The park ranger at this site told me about a campsite on the beach, and it turns out the Switzerland couple had been there also. So off I go to find my Beach campsite.Well I finally found paradise.A little pricey but nice. Supposed to be #1 beach in America, ( I guess they mean in the U.S  )

It's still not all that hot, my bike says 25 but with the breeze still a little cool in the shade.The raccoons around here are brave, one just walked up to within a couple of inches of me while I was writing this.

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